Monday, December 17, 2012

11 Months and counting

There really isn't a whole lot to report at this time.  My routine is still fairly limited in what I do and can't do. Two weeks ago I spent about 4 days wrestling with some serious pain in the knee.  I have no idea where this pain came from but it sent my mind wandering for sometime.  Did the surgery work?  When will my next surgery be?  You kind of get the point.

Last week, I actually paid someone to come and put my front yard in.  The movement and the rigors of having to move rock, lay irrigation lines, etc. is still to much for me to overcome.  Not only did I have to rely on another guy to put my yard in...I had to rely on my wife to hang the Christmas lights.  With the ongoing knee problems over the years I think she has hung lights more often than not.  I hope one day to get back to normal activity when it comes to what I can do around the house.

This past month has been nice being able to get out on the bike.  Not only has it helped me physically it has helped me emotionally too.  Don't worry...I am not riding a lot of miles.  I am averaging about 40-45 miles a week.  I did go out for a slow 20 miler the other day.  It was nice to get moving but I did live in pain for the next 24 hours.  The muscles around the knee are still weak, which I think adds to the pain issue when I do something.

I still find it hard to stand for long periods of time.  If I keep moving I can make it a little longer.  I am looking forward to my one year follow-up in January.  There will be lots more to share at that time - I am sure.