Monday, September 17, 2012

8 Month Update

8 months out...hard to believe it.  I can remember thinking that first week of post surgery what it would be like to be 6, 8, and 12 months down the road to recovery.  The knee is looking good and I even have a little definition in the leg muscles.  Let me clarify...definition is relative and not from lifting weights.  Mainly any tone I have in the leg is from leg lifts, mild walking, and pure luck.  For those that are curious here are a few of the most recent pictures of the knee.

If you can make out the scar from all that will see that the scar is looking pretty good.  The swelling has gone down nicely.  I still have a little swelling on the knee but nothing too alarming.

Here are the quick bullet points on the knee and my current activity level.

  • Overall, not too much pain anymore.  However, my knee aches badly if I am on my feet too much, walk too far, or when I get done swimming.
  • That's right...I took my doctors advise and for the time being, I am a swimmer.  I go to the local pool and swim 30 minutes a day, three times a week.
  • Swimming is boring, but it gives me something I can do and the good news- it is making my arms look buffer. : )
  • The fall has been difficult emotionally.  I really miss playing with the kids outside and biking.  I am actually coaching my sons soccer team this fall.  Something I always dreamed of doing but I thought I would be able to run and demonstrate the drills needed done.  Let's just say that's not happening.  Thus, I am very thankful for my assistant coach.
  • Brace...I am still stuck in my brace during the day.  Last month I had taken it off while in the house and was walking across the living room when all of a sudden that knee buckled and gave out.  As you can imagine I went down with a thud and spent the rest of the night icing.  Not a great experience and I am tired of wearing the brace.  And it is beginning to stink.
  • I have spent a lot of my time reading other blogs on the surgery and from what I can tell I am one of the most restricted patients.  That can be frustrating but I am working really hard to follow the doctors advice.  Still no elliptical, cycling, and nothing that even resembles running.  Playing this one by the book!
  • I can't wait for November when I finally get the green light to do some light bike riding on the street.  
  • Next month we are making a trip with the family to Disney World.  This will be an adventure for everyone.  I will be sure to post how the trip goes and pictures.