Thursday, January 19, 2012

Home Sweet Home

First thoughts...this surgery is very painful.  I mean really, really painful.  My two other knee surgeries put together don't even come close to the pain I have been feeling.

Ok now that is clear...let me share some of the details from the last few days.  Monday morning Melissa and I got up early and headed off to the hospital.  We arrived at the hospital on time (6:00am) and got checked in.  After a few minutes, I was called back and had the opportunity to up-grade my clothing to one of those stylish hospital gowns with nothing in the back.  (I will spare you the pictures)  After going through the normal protocol for surgery, the doctors began making their way to my bed side.  Dr. Tarlow, my orthopedists, and the anesthesiologists explained to me that I would be getting a nerve block to help with the pain coming out of surgery.

The next thing I new is that a bunch of people gathered around me to help do the femoral nerve block and I was out.  Never even got to see the OR.  The surgery lasted for 3 hours and come to find legions had gotten larger since the August surgery.  The largest being 6cmx3cm.  In the end, Dr. Tarlow said the surgery went perfectly and now we will see.

While at the hospital I set new records for eating the most citrus jello in hospital history.  Furthermore, I also started my PT and the CPM machine.

Here is a quick picture of me doing one quick round on the walker.  Don't let it fool you, I only traveled about 15 feet and still no weight allowed on the surgery leg.  Jean, my PT was awesome to work with and even gave me a commemorative t-shirt to remember my experience.

The CPM machine, or better known as a continuos passive motion machine requires me to be locked into it for 8-12 hours a day.  It is the next major part of the rehab.  We will see how well I sleep with my leg moving all night.

And hurts too!

We finally made it home Wednesday afternoon after a long ride in the back seat of my toyota corolla.  After the 45 minute ride home and the waiting to get my pain meds filled I was ready to go back to the hospital.  Luckily, once the pain meds set in...I was good for the time being.  Feel free to ask Melissa about this experience.

Our home right now looks like a NORAD Command center...that is if a NORAD command center had baby wipes, shower chairs, walkers, get the picture.

Today, I was able to take my first shower....finally!  That is a quote of Melissa.  After a hard drawn out experience we finally got it done.  And it felt great.

Most of my days are still spent lying flat on my back without any ability to do even the most rudimentary things.  To the outsider I probably look like a war veteran with my shaved head, cammo crutches, and braced leg.

None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for my incredible wife.  She deserves to win the wife of the year award and the year isn't even 20 days old.  Secondly, my parents have been a huge help this week too.  They flew out from Florida to help their son, to watch their grand kids, and to even stay up late with me so Melissa could get some rest.  I am forever grateful for their sacrifice.

Now...I know some of you want to see the damage so here it is!  If you don't like graphic pictures this is your warning to look away.  I haven't placed a tape to it yet, but the scar is somewhere in the range of 12-14 inches.

From my understanding...and remember I am on pain meds right now, so none of this may make any sense.  My shin bone was moved, the four legions were implanted, and my knee cap was put in backwards.  I will find out exactly at my first post opt.  Thanks again to everyone for your help, prayers, and concern.


  1. These photos are a little too familiar! Yikes! Just saying! We know all about CPM's and how important they are! Hang in there! We are praying and know there will be incredibly hard times but you will prevail! :) Love ya guys!....and we LOVE graphic pics! :)
    Love-The Abbiattis!
