Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Random Update

Today, I am at 9.5 weeks post-op.  I have been a little hesitant to post anything lately because the progress is very slow.  The knee is still a little swollen, the scar is healing nicely, my pain is manageable, and I am still in need of crutches to get around.

When it comes to the pain...I would never classify the knee as feeling awesome, but it does feel a lot better than it use to.  If I am honest, my progress seems to be moving at a glacial pace...the small increases in my ROM seems hardly enough material to write a blog about.  However, for your own boredom I will keep on keeping on!!!

Yesterday, brought some more progress.  I have slowly lowered the seat on the bike to help increase my range of motion.  I only have three more notches until my seat is all the way down.  I road for another 15 minutes yesterday.  It did take a few minutes until the knee warmed up so that I could actually make a full revolution.  Over the entire 15 minutes I set a new record for distance traveled.  I rode bike a total of .59 miles over 15 minutes.  Being a former competitive rider...It is hard to believe that I am celebrating such a small milestone on the bike...but you have to look at the little things.

I am getting more use to the brace everyday.  I did try to take a step around the car door this week with out the use of my crutches.  It was such a small distance I decided to give it a go.  Let's just say that if it wasn't for the brace and the car being so close to me I would have been flat on my face.  I am still not ready to walk unassisted yet.  Monday brings some more changes and more to share.


  1. You're doing great Lee! Keep up the hard work.

  2. Thanks Tirsa. That means something coming from at PT!

  3. hi...I am at the 6 week mark this coming SUCKS!!!!! I hate the brace, I hate hate hate hate this thing! I got so called dissolving stitches falling out of my scar...I can walk slowly...I did about a mile 2 weeks ago, and that took me nearly an hour...good luck with your recovery....I can see from the latest posts, you are STILL recovering...goodness sake, I will be climbing the walls if I don't get this dang brace off in a week or so....I swear!

    1. Great job Mandy at making it a mile. That is major progress even if it doesn't feel like it. Hang in there.
