Friday, January 4, 2013


Yesterday I went in for my one year check-up.  And yes, it was two weeks early, but who's counting.  I was a little nervous going in not really sure where I stood and if the doctor would be happy with my overall progress.

As the Doc came in his first words to me were, "Was it worth it?"

That alone gives you a basic understanding of how difficult the surgery and the recovery are for this procedure.

After a brief five minute conversation it became clear that I haven't been progressing the way that I should.  Some of the basic things that helped us reach that conclusion were:

- I was still having pain with any extended walking or standing
- I still have moments of swelling (specifically a real large knee this past weekend after working in the garage for a couple of hours)
- No real maneuverability while playing with the kids in the backyard. (Doc suggested I should be able to jog around and play soccer with the kids without any setbacks)

All of this to say... the last year and a half and two surgeries hasn't put me any closer to my goal of being semi-active again.  At this point of the blog you might be wondering what the next step is from here.

The first step from here is to go and get a 3T MRI (an advanced MRI test) to see exactly what the status of my knee is.  Based on the results of that MRI we will move forward.  What does it mean to move forward?  If I am honest I really don't know.  What we discussed before the ACI surgery was that if this procedure didn't work the only real place to go would be a total knee replacement.  I just cannot imagine having to go through a total knee replacement at my age.  However, I also cannot imagine living with my current knee issues for an extended amount of time.

Emotionally the last few days have been a little difficult to digest.  Knowing that the last surgery, pain, time, family and financial stresses didn't accomplish what we were hoping for is hard to swallow.  I can liken it to running a marathon only to find out at 26.2 miles you ran the wrong direction and now you have to run back.  I don't know exactly what the next year will bring.  But what it seems is endurance will be the key to 2013 just as it was in 2012.

Obviously there is more to come.


  1. Another speed bump(as giant as it might seem), but only a temporary one. Keep your head up and push on, this isn't going to beat you. Some people experience things like this alone, where you are blessed with a loving and supportive group of family and friends. Unfortunately no one can share the physical pain with you. Despite this I'm sure you have come to realize more than ever how badly they try to take some of the weight off your shoulders. Thank you for everything you do for others despite the horrible burden you carry.

    Sorry you have to go through this.

    Your friend,

  2. Hi Lee

    I go back to the doctor next month for my 1 yr post op after aci surgery. Like you I am very anxious if it worked or not. My leg is still very weak despite all the rehab. I feel like I have hit a platuea on the rehab. I also am experiencing a lot of popping which is a bit unsettling. It is a long road to recover and the thought if it not all paying off in the end is disheartening. Overall my pain level is relatively low and my day to day activities are pretty normal. However I am nowhere close to where I would like to be athletically.

    Have you had any popping issues?

    1. Hey Jbp-
      I can't say that I having issues with "popping" however, I do have lots of grinding. I had my MRI follow-up on Monday and go back to the doctor today for the results. I will post a blog on what I hear fromt the doc today. Good luck on your follow-up appointment! Let me know what you hear.
