Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another DOC visit

Another week...another doctor visit.  At just over 14 weeks post-op...I am feeling good and I was really looking forward to talking with Dr. Tarlow to see my latest progress and to ask some big questions.  Teh appointment was quick and full of exciting news.  The first news I got was that my doctor has decided to drop my health care provider.

Yes...not my fault.  And really I can't blame him for the challenge doctors have to face with providers these days.  What does that mean for me?  It means I have to go back to my old doctor that couldn't provide surgical services because the provider wouldn't cover the facility.  At least...I think I can go back as long as they haven't dropped my provider too.  Just another fun think to navigate through...

Back to the knee news...

1. The knee is still swollen but that isn't something that is totally abnormal at this point.

2. I have to wear my unloader brace for another 6 months and then for any periods of extended time on my feet.

3. Everything looks and feels like it is healing nicely.  I do have some popping and grinding still when the knee is flexed but the Doc told me that is fairly normal at this point and over time it should go away.

4. Stationary bike is a good thing as long as I don't overdo it!  Thus, I keep doing what I am doing and I actually road 5 miles yesterday.  My furthest bike ride in almost a year.

5. I asked if I could eventually Mountain bike again...while keeping my fingers crossed.  To which I couldn't believe my ears...the answer was YES!  In 18 months I can begin to mountain bike again.  That news was almost too good to hear.  I can't wait to get back on a bike soon- 18 months will not come fast enough.  (And yes, I will be allowed to single speed as long as it isn't a steady diet of it)

6. Dr. Tarlow, also felt that the cells are growing like weeds and that over the next 20 weeks they should begin to morph into a thicker substance that resembles the new cartilage that is to come.

Overall, the news was all good.  I couldn't be more excited.

1 comment:

  1. Lee,
    I went through ACI in May '09.
    I had a setback in June… Post op staph infection… I think it was caused when they pulled my stitches while at Phys. Therapy. I was in the hospital 6 days and they had to re-open everything and clean and scrub it out.
    Including the 2nd open surgery I was 12 weeks on crutches most of it non-weight bearing. Lots of phys therapy and lots of work on my own.
    3 yrs out: I just had a scope done to clean up some debris and a small part of the periosteum graft that had flecked up and was giving me some issues. I am one week after the scope and things feel good. I am hoping to get back to my gym routine and shed a few of the lbs I picked up while I was waiting to get scoped.
    I asked the Dr if he thought I would ever get back to running and the type of activity I was able to do when I was younger. He told me he did not think the knee would take the kind of stress I placed on it in the past, but if I behave myself I may not get a TKR if I am lucky.

    I am a combat vet and still a train new recruits for the Army National Guard… I used to be able to do a lot more as far as running, hiking, rucking etc… I cannot run the 10-12 mi that I used to be able to do… I cannot ruck 20 mi in a day anymore and I cannot run sprints with the new recruits… But I am confident that I will be able to get back to some easy jogging and maybe even some hiking and rucking this year.
    I wanted you to have an idea what the longer term looked like for you and tell you to keep up with the PT. It will make all the difference.

    My civillian background: Acupuncturist
    Ht/Wt: 6'5" 245lbs
    Age: 44 yrs.

    Let em know if you have any questions I can help you with.
    sgtmorgan at gmail
