Friday, February 3, 2012

A few tips for ACI patients

ACI surgery hasn't been like any other surgery I have had before.  Because it is so different and new, I wanted to pass along a few observations and tips for others that might be thinking of or are planning to have ACI surgery.  Here are a few things noticed in my initial weeks of recovery.

1. Stock pile lots of can just plan that the first few weeks you will spend sitting in a recliner or in bed.  To help pass the time I have watched way too many movies and TV shows.  Netflix instant stream has been a huge blessing.

2. Get married...I cannot imagine going through this on my own.  Seriously!!!  You will need someone to help you with your brace, CPM machine, fix you meals, to get random things for you, help you get to the bathroom, and lastly...bathe you.  I am pretty close with my parents but would much rather help from my wife than my mom when it comes to certain things on the list.  Be ready to lose some dignity as you walk through the recovery...don't fight it.

3. Have WIFI and a computer or ipad hasn't left my side for the last two weeks.  I use it for everything from checking the web, watching Netflix, to updating the blog.  It has really kept me from going crazy.

4. Develop a routine...without having a specific routine it would have been very difficult to get all the hours on the CPM machine.  Needing to put in 8-12 hours/day on the CPM machine forces you think about how you are going to spend every minute you are free, as in finding time to ice, to spending time with the kids, to getting a shower.  The time you have gets eaten up very quickly.

5. Buy a toilet seat riser...get one with handles.  The handles really help you push off back to your feet.  Also, I look forward to placing the "cadillac crapper" on the toilet when guests come over for visits.  It will be a great conversation starter!

6. Know your insurance...I am already getting surprised by what the insurance company covers and what they don't.  Make sure you have a good understanding of what your benefits include, keep track of all your paperwork, and be prepared to appeal anything that comes back not covered.  For instance...we just found out our insurance wants to cover the CPM machine for 21 days and not the entire 6 weeks.  You never know how and where this blessing/curse will show up.

7. Lean on loved are going to need help and lots of it...even more if you have kids.  For the first little while you will need someone with you 24/7.  If your spouse needs to run an errand you will need to find a friend or family member to come and babysit you.  Furthermore, your spouse will need a break and it is ok to ask a friend to come and sit with you as they get a little rest.  We have been extremely blessed to have people bring us meals, take the kids to the park, help around the house, etc.  We couldn't have done it without having some outside help!

The knee continues to heal.  Here is a quick pic of the scar as it stands now:

Also, we picked up something to help me get out of the house this weekend.  I am looking forward to going to church this Sunday for the first time in a few weeks.  This wheelchair we found on Amazon has the leg extensions to support my leg in the immobilizer. (which was harder to find than you could imagine)


  1. The knee's looking better.

    You should've titled this "7 Tips For ACI Patients." Haha.

    Good tip on's all the little things that add up.

    Heal up,


  2. Wow, Lee, I really enjoyed your thoughts. Thanks for sharing! :)
    Marybeth Dewey

  3. How about in the months before, hit the gym and work on your upper body strength! :)

  4. any advice on which toilet riser to get? ive been looking on amazon and there isnt one that stands out as best in class. thanks!

  5. Anything with handle bars on the side is nice when having to stand back up.

  6. Thank you for sharing. There isn't much out here to help prepare for this surgery. I hope you are all healed and back enjoying life.

    1. Thanks Bea. I am doing ok. I still have some issues that prove problematic from time to time. Best of luck as you deal with your own knee.

    2. What kind of problems are you having Lee? Do you feel your graft didn't hold up?

    3. Hey Dustin-

      Problems were heavy grinding and some pain in the knee. No swelling. I did go in for another surgery 18 months ago to clean it out and get the knee tracking better. SO far so good. I still on the occasion have some pain and the the grinding is still there...just not as severe. I still don't run or jump but am living a full life.
